Cancer by The National Library of Medicine

Carcinoma of the Lung (Alton Ochsner, M.D.; Davis & Geck Inc., 1965)

Dr. Alton Ochsner introduces this 1965 Cine Clinic film by speaking about the poor prognosis for lung cancer and the direct relationship to cigarette smoking. The film shows patients' x-rays, surgical removal of cancerous tissue, and the excised specimen. Ochsner is staff at Tulane University, Ochsner Clinic, and Ochsner Foundation Hospital. Shot in New Orleans, Louisiana. Learn more about this film and search its transcript at NLM Digital Collections:

Man Alive! (United Productions of America, 1952)

In animated cartoons, an analogy is made between a man with a badly functioning car and a man with physical symptoms which could indicate the presence of a neoplasm. The various stages of denial are illustrated. Unprofessional advice is heard, and quick fix remedies are tried. The car owner finally goes to a good garage and pays heavily to have his car repaired, a bill which would have been small if he had taken his car in at the first sign of trouble. The man decides not to make the same mistake with his body that he made with his car.