MD Immunohematology and Blood Transfusion

Transfusion medicine is a unique multi-dimensional speciality that incorporates elements of blood banking, immunohematology, coagulation, and hematologyand integrates science technology, medicine, public health administration and the community as a whole. Because transfusion therapy has strong interrelationship with several other disciplines, particularly haematology and immunology, training programmes in transfusion medicine must include appropriate knowledge and skills in these subjects. Transfusion medicine specialists must (a) monitor transfusion practices of fellow clinicians and advise them on the management of patients needing sophisticated transfusion services, (b) be well versed with Regulatory requirements, (c) be competent to establish transfusion services commensurate with international standards, (d) be equipped to manage an adequate and safe blood supply and (e) interact closely with clinicians in the hospital to ensure optimal and appropriate use of blood and blood components as well as availability of transfusion alternatives.

MD - Immuno Haematology & Blood Transfusion

Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research, Puducherry