
Breast Cancer | Breast Reconstruction | Nucleus Health

Visit our website to learn more about using Nucleus animations for patient engagement and content marketing:… This 3D medical animation depicts three different types of breast reconstruction surgery following a mastectomy procedure due to breast cancer, including a latissimus dorsi muscle flap; an abdominal muscle (TRAM) flap; and synthetic breast implant.

Endometrial Biopsy

To license this video for patient education or content marketing, visit:… This video, created by Nucleus Medical Media, shows an endometrial biopsy of the uterus procedure, typically used to test for endometriosis, precancerous cells or infertility problems. In the animation, a small pipelle device is used to harvest tissue from the lining of the uterus.

Radical Prostatectomy (Prostate Cancer Surgery) - This 3D medical animation on prostate cancer surgery shows the laparascopic removal of a cancerous prostate gland and its surrounding tissues. A prostatectomy is a surgery to remove an enlarged prostate gland due to benign prostatic hyperplasia or prostate cancer. Simple or radical prostatectomy can be done using open or laparoscopic techniques. #Prostate #cancer #RadicalProstatectomy ANCE00192

Skin Biopsy - This 3D medical animation shows skin biopsy procedures dermatologists use to investigate warts, moles, and other skin lesions to see if they are benign or cancerous. The three types of skin biopsies are biopsy, punch biopsy, and excisional biopsy. #SkinBiopsy #ShaveBiopsy #PunchBiopsy ANH00001

Cystoscopy (Bladder Endoscopy)

To license this animation for patient engagement and content marketing, visit: This 3D medical animation depicts the placement of a cystoscope through the urethra and into the bladder. This procedure allows the doctor to detect any abnormal conditions such as urinary bladder cancer, as well as perform a biopsy, if needed. ANH00008

Breast Cancer: Anatomy of the Breast

If you like this animation, LIKE us on Facebook: Knowing breast anatomy is important for early detection and prevention of breast cancer. #BreastCancer #BreastAnatomy #Breast ANS00363

Breast Cancer | Staging | Nucleus Health

Learn more about licensing this video for content marketing or patient education purposes:… This video, created by Nucleus Medical Media, outlines the progression of breast cancer and describes the stage classifications based on the extent of the disease. #BreastCancerStaging #Metastasis #Breast ANS00365

Breast Cancer | Symptoms | Nucleus Health

Visit our website to learn more about using Nucleus animations for patient engagement and content marketing:… This 3D medical animation outlines various breast cancer symptoms such as change in size or shape of breast, inward turned nipple, pitting or dimpling of the skin of the breast/nipple, or nipple discharge. #BreastCancerSymptoms #BreastAnatomy #Breast ANS00364

Small Cell Lung Cancer Staging

If you like this animation, LIKE us on Facebook: This 3D medical animation begins with an explanation of small cell lung cancer (SCLC) categorization; Limited and Extensive stages. The limited-stage cancer cells are shown invading one lung and the nearby lymph nodes. The extensive stage of the cancer cells are shown invading both lungs. #SmallCellLungCancerStagjng #LungCancerStaging #Cancer ANS00403