
Breast Cancer | Tumor Removal Surgery | Nucleus Health

Visit our website to learn more about using Nucleus animations for patient engagement and content marketing:… This 3D medical animation depicts various surgical procedures that remove breast cancer tumors. The surgeries that are shown include lumpectomy, simple mastectomy, modified radical mastectomy, and radical mastectomy surgery. #BreastCancer #mastectomy #lumpectomy ANCE00196

Breast Cancer | Breast Biopsy | Nucleus Health

Visit our website to learn more about using Nucleus animations for patient engagement and content marketing:… A breast biopsy is a procedure in which a doctor removes a small sample of tissue from the breast. This video shows several ways a doctor can remove a sample of breast tissue. #breat #biopsy #cancer ANCE00184

Cancer Treatment: Brachytherapy

To license this video for patient education or content marketing, visit:… This 3D medical animation shows brachytherapy, a treatment for cancer. The types of cancer it treats are depicted, along with how it damages and kills the cancer cells. #Brachytherapy #CancerTreatment #Radiotherapy ANH13116

How Does a CT Scan Work?

NIBIB's 60 Seconds of Science explains how CT scans work.

CT images are more detailed than conventional x-ray images. Image slices that CT scans produce can be 2 or 3 dimensional and can reveal abnormal structures or help the physician plan and monitor treatments.

Music by longzijun 'Chillvolution.'

For more information on CT:…

How Functional Ultrasound Works

Functional ultrasound shows color image maps that can indicate the softness or hardness of specific tissues, movement and velocity of tissue or blood, and other physical characteristics. Learn about how doctors use functional ultrasound in NIBIB's new 60 Seconds of Science video.