A postgraduate specialist having undergone the required training should be able to recognize the health needs of the communit, should be competent to handle medical problems effectively and should be aware of the recent advances pertaining to his specialty. The post graduate student should acquire the basic skills in teaching of medical/para-medical students. She/he is also expected to know the principles of research methodology and modes of consulting library.
MD - Psychiatry
M. D. in Psychiatry is a Clinical Speciality course.
Doctor of Medicine in Psychiatry explores the major psychiatric syndromes like psychotic, mood and anxiety disorders, psychological effects of physical diseases, the doctor-patient relationship, human development, patient interviewing, and ethical issues in medicine. It is a three-year postgraduation course and can be pursued by any MBBS holders from a University recognized by Medical council of India. Most psychiatrists practice general psychiatry. Sub-specialization in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Addiction Medicine, and Geriatric psychiatry can be conducted after M. D. in Psychiatry.