P. G. Curriculum
MD Community Medicine Index
- Goal
- Objectives
- Syllabus
- Teaching program
- Posting
- Thesis
- Assessment
- Job responsibilities
- Suggested books
- Model Test Papers
MD Community Medicine
- The infrastructure and facilities to be as per MCI guidelines
1. Goals
The goal of postgraduate medical education shall be to produce specialists of Community Medicine who shall have the following competencies:
- Recognize the health needs of the community and carry out professional obligations ethically and in keeping with objectives of the national health policy.
- Have necessary abilities for the practice of Community Medicine
- Be aware of the contemporary advances and developments in the discipline of Community Medicine.
- Have a spirit of scientific enquiry and is oriented to the principles of research methodology and epidemiology.
- Have the basic skills in training of the medical and paramedical professionals.
2. Objectives
At the end of the postgraduate training in Community Medicine (SPM), the student shall be able to:
- Recognize the importance of the Community Medicine in the context of the health needs of the community and national priorities in the health sector.
- Practice the Community Medicine specialty ethically and in step with the principles of health care.
- Demonstrate sufficient understanding of the basic sciences relevant to Community Medicine.
- Identify social, economic, environmental, biological and emotional determinants of health in a given case and take them into account while planning promotive, preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitative measures / strategies.
- Diagnose and manage majority of the health conditions in the community on the basis of clinical assessment and conduct appropriate investigations.
- Demonstrate the skills in documentation of individual / community case details as well as morbidity and mortality data relevant to the assigned situation.
- Demonstrate empathy and humane approach towards clientele and exhibit interpersonal behavior in accordance with the societal norms and expectations.
- Play the assigned role in the implementation of National Health Programmes, effectively and responsibly.
- Organize and supervise the chosen/assigned health care services demonstrating adequate managerial skills in the clinic/hospital or field situation.
- Develop skills as a self-directed learner, recognize continuing educational needs and select & use appropriate learning resources.
- Demonstrate competence in basic concepts of research methodology and epidemiology and be able to critically analyze relevant published research literature.
- Develop skills in using educational methods and techniques as applicable to the teaching of medical/nursing students, general physicians and paramedical health workers.
- Function as an effective leader of a health team engaged in health care, research and training.
3. Syllabus
3.1 Theory
Basic Sciences
- Genetics: Genes, chromosomes & inheritance, inheritance of dominant, recessive and sex linked genes, genetics and disease conditions, concept of genetic engineering, gene therapy, genetic counseling.
- Physiology: Effects of exposure to cold, heat, humidity, noise, vibration, radiation, air pollution, high attitude, depth. Physiology of pregnancy & lactation, respiration, ventilation, dust measurement, space requirement, aerospace medicine.
- Biochemistry: Constituents of body fluids, sewage & water, food and milk; principles of dietary constituents; requirements of nutrients and trace elements.
- Urine, blood, serology, basic histo-pathology/cytology techniques Microbiology:
- General : Sterilization & disinfections, collection & transportation of samples, concepts of immunology and vaccination
- Bacteriology: Classification, essentials of culture technique, staining procedures
- Virology: Classification, essentials of virology, virological diagnostic techniques
- Parasitology: Classification of protozoa, helminthes identification and lab diagnosis including skin tests
- Mycology: Classification of mycoses and general characteristics, lab diagnosis and identification
- Rickettesia, spirochetes: Classification & diagnostic techniques Clinical
- The student will have adequate exposure to the clinical aspects of health conditions spanning over other clinical disciplines namely Medicine and allied specialities, Pediatrics, Dermatology and Venereology, Ophthalmology, Radiology, ENT, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynecology and Surgery. For this purpose, the training will be integrated with these departments. Hospital Administration
- Students will be posted to learn organization and administration of hospital services and understand system used for collection, recording and reporting of hospital statistics, inventory control of medical stores, hospital laundry, hospital dietary, CSSD, ensuring quality of health care, clientele satisfaction, hospital infection control, medical audit.
Community Medicine
Concept of Health & Disease
- History of medicine, evolution of public health, alternative systems of medicine
- Definition and concepts of public health
- Definition of health, holistic concepts of health including concept of spiritual health, appreciation of health as a relative concept, determinants of health Characteristics of agent, host and environmental factors in health and disease and the multifactorial etiology of disease
- Understanding the natural history of disease and application of interventions at various levels of prevention Health indicators
- Health profile of India
- Concept of rehabilitation, its types and techniques
- Social and Behavioural Sciences
- Clinico- social, cultural and demographic evolution of the individual, family and community
- Humanities and Community Medicine
- Social organizations with special reference to family
- Religion, its evolution as a special instance of the evolution of social institutions
- Major tenets of the common religions in India & their influence on health & disease
- Assessment of barriers to good health and health seeking behavior
- Methodology in social research (Attitude surveys, Questionnaires, Interviews)
- Health economics
- Social security in India
- Culture and its impact on health
- Customs, taboos and mores
- Medical social worker
- Doctor patient relationship
- Social problems e.g. child abuse, juvenile delinquency, drug addiction, alcoholism, marital maladjustment, domestic violence, suicide and
- attempted suicide, problems of the old, caste system
- Psychology and its concepts
- The Psycho analytic theory
- Human personality, its foundations, development and organization
- Development of child and its impact on its personality
- Psychological tests-personality tests, intelligence tests Group dynamics
- Hospital psychology
- Epidemiology & Research Methodology ( to be read with para 3.5.5.) Evolution of epidemiology
- Epidemiology : definition, concepts and its role in health & disease
- Measurement of disease frequency
- Use of basic epidemiological tools to make a community diagnosis of health situation, in order to formulate appropriate intervention measures
- Cause and effect relationship: concept of association, causation, chance and biases
- Descriptive epidemiology
- Formulation of hypothesis
- Analytical epidemiology
- Experimental epidemiology (randomized and non-randomized controlled trials)
- Testing of hypothesis
- Errors in testing of hypothesis
- Survival analysis
- Meta analysis
- Measurement of risk and risk reduction
- Use of constructs/scales and their validity in research Concepts and techniques of qualitative research
- Investigation of an epidemic of communicable diseases and to understand principles of control measures
- Definition of the terms used in describing disease transmission and control
- Modes of transmission and general principles of prevention and control of communicable, non-communicable diseases and other health conditions of public health importance
- Epidemiological intelligence and forecasting
- Principal sources of epidemiological data
- Definition, calculation and interpretation of morbidity and mortality rates
- Geographical information system (GIS) and remote sensing
- Hospital epidemiology
- Concept of disease eradication/ elimination, review of smallpox eradication strategy
- Rapid assessment techniques
- Application of computers in epidemiolog
- Screening for diseases
- Screening : definition, types, uses and principles
- Screening test : selection criteria, validity including likelihood ratios and
- ROC curve, evaluation, predictive accuracy
- Screening programmes and their evaluation
Health Statistics o Introduction
- Role of statistics in Public Health o Collection of data o Sampling in Public Health o Statistical classification of health data o Handling and processing of statistical information o Analysis of demographic data o Measurement of morbidity, mortality and fertility o Standardization of rates and standard indices o Life tables o Statistical techniques of evaluation in Public Health
- Descriptive Statistics o Introduction to biostatistics- aim and scope o Collection of data- basic ideas o Presentation of data- tabulation, diagram and graphs o Measures of central tendency and dispersion o Normal distribution o Elementary idea of skewness o Concepts of correlation and regression
- Statistical inferences o Elementary idea of probability o Sampling techniques o Test of Significance-Chi Square, t-test, z-test, ANOVA o Basic idea of testing of hypothesis
- Advanced statistical techniques, multivariate regression analysis, statistical models. Use of Epi info, SPSS/ other computer software
Special topics in Biostatistics o Clinical trials-Aim and scope, general principles, use of controls, placebos and dommios, final presentation of results-discussion of some well known clinical trials
- Prophylactic trials-Assessment by time trends and geographical comparison, controlled prophylactic trials, discussion of some well known clinical trails
- Retrospective and prospective studies and follow up studies, discussion of important studies
- Field studies, prevalence surveys, guiding principles for data collection
- Controls in field studies & hospital studies
- Demography and Vital Statistics o Concepts of demography, demographic cycle, vital statistics o Definition, calculation and interpretation of various demographic indices o Declining sex ratio and its social implication o Population explosion, population dynamics of India o Population control o National population policy o Sources of vital statistics like census, SRS, NFHS, NSSO etc.
Epidemiology of communicable and non-communicable diseases
- Communicable and non-communicable diseases of public health importance
- Communicable diseases
- Intestinal infections : Poliomyelitis, viral hepatitis, diarrhea, cholera, helminthiasis, typhoid fever etc.
- Respiratory infections: Acute respiratory infections, measles, mumps, rubella, influenza, diptheria, whooping cough, tuberculosis etc.
- Vector- borne infections: Malaria, filariasis, kala-azar, dengue, yellow fever etc.
- Surface infections: Sexually transmitted diseases, HIV & AIDS, tetanus, leprosy, scabies, pediculosis etc.
- Zoonosis: Rabies, japanese encephalitis, plague, kyasanur forest disease, leptospirosis, brucellosis, anthrax, other viral / bacterial / parasitic / rickettsial zoonoses etc.
o Non-communicable and lifestyle diseases
- Coronary artery disease, hypertension, stroke, obesity, diabetes, rheumatic heart disease, blindness, cancers, accidents etc.
Above diseases to be studied in detail under the following subheads:
- Extent of problem, epidemiology and natural history of disease Public health importance of particular disease in local area
- Influence of social, cultural and ecological factors on the epidmiology of particular disease
- Diagnosing disease by clinical methods, using essential laboratory techniques at primary care level
- Treatment of a case, as per National Programme guidelines and also follow up of case
- National Health Programme for particular disease
- Understand the principles of control of an epidemic
- Training of health workers in disease surveillance, control, treatment and health education
- Management information system in a particular disease
- New/ emerging diseases and health related problems
Applied Nutrition
- Nutrients, common sources and their requirement according to age, sex, activity and physiological conditions
- Balanced diet, Prudent diet
- Techniques of nutritional assessment of individual, family and the community
- Plan and recommend a suitable diet for the individuals and families as per local availability of foods and economic status etc.
- Common nutritional disorders, specific nutrient deficiency disorders, disorders related to toxins in food ; their control and management
- Food fortification, additives and adulteration, food hygiene
- Social and cultural factors in nutrition and health
- Food and economics
- Important National nutritional programmes
- National Nutrition Policy
- Nutritional surveillance, education and rehabilitation
- Role of diet in specific diseases like coronary heart disease, diabetes, obesity etc.
- Food and legislation
- Future trends in nutrition
Reproductive and Child Health
- Current status of reproductive and child health
- Screening of high risk groups and common health problems
- Local customs and practices during pregnancy, lactation, child rearing, child feeding practices including complementary feeding
- Breast feeding and its importance
Indicators of RCH
- Causes of perinatal/infant/maternal mortality and measures for reduction of the same
- Essential obstetric care, emergency obstetric care
Essential newborn care
- Reproductive child health (RCH) components, including child survival and safe motherhood, universal immunization programme, integrated child development services scheme (ICDS), integrated management of neonatal and childhood illness (IMNCI) and other existing programmes
- Organization, implementation and evaluation of reproductive and child health program components
- Various family planning methods, their advantages and shortcomings
- Medical termination of pregnancy and Act (MTP Act) Adolescent health
- Handicapped child
- Gender issues and women empowerment
- Organizations, technical and operational aspects of the National Family Welfare Programme
School Health
- Objectives and components of school health programme
- Activities of the programme
- Periodic medical examination of the children and the teachers Immunization of the children in the school Health promotion and education
- Mid-day meal programme
- Healthful school environment
Health Care of Elderly
- Size of elderly population, their common health problems and justification of their special care
- Screening procedures for early detection of various diseases and disabilities of elderly
- Comprehensive heath care aspects of elderly
- National policy for care of elderly
Urban Health
- Common health problems (Medical, social, environmental, economical, psychological) of urban slum dwellers
- Organization of health services for and in urban slums
- National policy on urban health
- Health issues of migrant populations
Environment and Health
Water : concepts of safe and wholesome water, sanitary sources of water, water borne diseases, water purification processes
- Physical and chemical standards of drinking water quality and tests for assessing bacteriological quality of water
- National rural water supply and sanitation programme
- Concepts of water conservation and rainwater harvesting
- Health hazards of air, water, noise, radiation pollution and their prevention & control including indoor air pollution
- Rural and Urban sanitation
- Concepts of solid waste / human excreta / sewage disposal
- Awareness of standards of housing and the effect of housing on health Aerospace medicine
- Health hazards related to climate, altitude, and depth
- Human health in a changing world
Medical Entomology
- Role of vectors in the causation of diseases
- Identifying features of vectors and their control measures
- Life cycles of vectors and advantages and limitations of various vector control measures
- Mode of action, application cycle of commonly used insecticides and rodenticides
- Integrated vector control Entomological survey techniques
Biomedical Waste & its disposal
- Classification / categories, sources, health hazards and treatment of biomedical waste as per current regulations
- Application of principles of biomedical waste management in different settings of health care delivery system
Disaster Management
- Principles of disaster preparedness and application of these in disaster management
Occupational Health
- Relate the history of symptoms with specific occupations including agriculture related occupation
- Asbestos and other fibers, coal workers lung diseases, silicosis, health significance of metal exposures, diseases associated with exposure to chemical substances, multiple chemical sensitivities, pulmonary responses to gases and particles, pesticides, illness due to thermal extremes, ionizing radiations, non-ionizing radiations, effects of physical environment- noise, vibration, work related musculo-skeletal disorders
- Employees State Insurance (ESI) scheme
Concepts of ergonomics
- Diagnostic criteria of various occupation related diseases
- Industrial hygiene
- Surveillance, monitoring and screening in occupational health
- Occupational problems of special working groups
- Occupational safety and health standards
- Legislations related to occupational health
Information, Education, Communication & Health Promotion
- Understand the concepts of health promotion and education, IEC, behavioral change communication
- Principles & methods of health promotion and education
- Barriers to effective communication and methods to overcome them. Process of learning and its principles
- Various methods of health education with their advantages and limitations
- Aids for imparting health education
- Organizing health promotion and education activities at individual, family and community settings
- Evaluation of health promotion and education programme
- Pedagogical methods: introduction, elements and techniques
Mental Health
- Importance of mental health care in primary care settings \
- Common psychiatric/ neurotic/ other mental health disorders, mental retardation
- Comprehensive mental health care at primary care settings
- Psychotherapy, its place in mental health
- Psychology and field research
Human Genetics
- Genes and development
- Blood groups- Medico-Legal applications
- Genetic and chromosomal disorders in man
- Genetic counseling
- Genetics and public health
- Genetic engineering and related health issues including genetically modified foods
- Gene therapy
- Human genome project
Health care delivery system in India
- Concepts of primary health care and comprehensive health care.
- Health profile of India
- Evolution of health care delivery system in India
- Health care delivery in India and infrastructure at primary, secondary and tertiary care level
- Job responsibilities of different categories of workers in health system
- Voluntary health agencies working in India
- Pattern of health care services in certain south Asian and western countries Health insurance
- Health planning , management and administration
- Concepts of planning, management, public health administration
- Components of planning a health activity
- Classification and understanding of various qualitative and quantitative health management techniques
- Over view of administration at village, block, district, state and center level in India
- Organizational concept
- Organizational behavior
- Time, material and personnel management Integrated disease surveillance project (IDSP)
- Health related Millennium Development Goals Operational research
- National Health Policy and National Rural Health Mission
- Concepts of health economics in health planning and management Concepts, scope and methods of Health Audit
- Role of Planning Commission and five year plans in development of health sector in India
- Various health committees of Govt. of India and their important recommendations
Public health administration of the future
- Research in administration, operational & action oriented research New concepts in public health administration
- Principles of hospital administration
- Medical audit, quality assurance, quality improvement and client satisfaction Alternative approaches to planning
- Importance of hospital records, their retrieval, International classification of diseases, medical certification of death
Public Health Legislation
- Birth and death registration act, PFA act, MTP act, CPA, Child labour act, PNDT act, Transplantation of human organ act in India etc.
- Other public health legislations
International Health
- Role of various multilateral, bilateral international health organizations like WHO, UNICEF, UNDP, World Bank etc.
- Organization structure of these organizations
- International Health Regulations (IHR)
3.2 Practical
All MD students will be required to acquire following demonstrable / verifiable skills:
- All candidates will be required to complete PG thesis as prescribed by the university.
- The following diaries / books will be maintained by each PG endorsed by the guide / HOD:-
- Log book of daily activities including statement of skill acquired on each day
- Day book containing detailed reports of visits to establishments of health interest other than own department
- Scrap book containing lay media reports regarding current health issues & critical appraisal thereof (min 30 reports)
- Folder containing formats / brochures / other material like family health cards, in connection with extramural visits
- Family health file containing records of min 15 families
- Folder containing clinico-social case records of 15 long / short case.
- The following skills will be specifically acquired during the entire tenure:
Skills related to Public Health
Familiarization with organization & functioning of following establishments:
- Water supply system o Sewage system o Slaughter house o Catering establishment o Food processing plant o Milk plant
- Solid waste disposal system o State public health laboratory
Familiarization with techniques and ability to interpret data in relation to the following :
- Surveillance of drinking water quality
- Analysis of sewage o Analysis of milk
- Assessment of pesticide & other toxins in the environment
- Familarization with food adulteration act
- Familiarization with Health Legislation in India
Skills as Community Physician
- Ability to identify local health needs of community.
- Ability to demonstrate leadership qualities & function as effective team leader.
- Ability to make community diagnosis including application of Rapid assessment techniques.
- Ability to organize health camps.
- Ability to organize health surveys & ongoing comprehensive health delivery programme.
- Ability for effective liaison with PRIs & local opinion leaders, mustering of local resources, advocacy & mobilization of administration & political will for health care programmes.
Skills as Family Physician
- Diagnosis & management of common illness.
- Diagnosis & management of chronic diseases & disabilities including rehabilitation.
- Nutritional assessment & nutritional therapy.
- Family planning practices.
- Diagnosis & management of Pediatric, Geriatric, Gynecological illness with special emphasis on RCH & integrated management of childhood illness.
- Perform all immunization procedures.
- Ability to organize & conduct MCH services including antenatal clinic, intranatal & postnatal care, care of newborn, growth monitoring & care of toddler.
- Conduct / attend 20 normal deliveries & 5 abnormal deliveries.
Skills of Occupational Health
- Familiarisation with measurement of relative humidity, temperature, thermal comforts & ventilation, noise levels, air pollution, lead exposure estimation, light level estimation.
- Familiarisation with organization & functioning of ESI system.
- Conduct of pre-placement & periodic medical examination.
- Identification of specific health hazards in occupational environment.
Skills of Communicable Disease Control Investigation of an outbreak.
- Investigation of episode of food poisoning.
- Diagnosis & management of zoonotic diseases.
- Familiarisation with organization & functioning of- o Rabies clinic o STD clinic o Leprosy clinic o TB Centre
- National vector borne diseases control programme o IPPI & AFP surveillance
- Case management of diarrhoea & preparation of ORS.
- Case management of ARI
- Functioning of isolation / quarantine unit
Family Planning skills
Ability to propagate planned parenthood & small family norm as per national guidelines (GOI) by-
- Counselling, motivation & IEC. o Administer appropriate method of contraception by cafeteria approach. o Assess gaps / unmet needs in family planning services in community under care.
- Ability to perform / assist Tubectomy by using conventional / laproscopic method (min 5)
- Ability to perform / assist vasectomy by using latest techniques (min 3).
- Ability to insert IUCDs (min 10).
- Ability to perform / assist in MTPs (min 5)
- Ability to perform / assist in menstrual regulation techniques (min 5).
Skills of Hospital Administration
Familiarisation with working of large multispeciality hospital with special reference to following departments:-
- Layout of OPDs o CSSD o Laundry o Catering o Biomedical waste management o Other departments / labs / OTs
- Familiarisation with functioning of Medical Record Department
- Inventory control
- HR management
- Familiarisation with functioning of infection control committee
- Disinfection procedures with special reference to OTs & isolation wards.
Skills of Research Methodology including application of Statistical Methods
- Planning & execution of 1 short hospital based epidemiological (analytical) study other than thesis work.
- Planning & execution of 1 short field based / KAP study.
- Critical appraisal of 10 published research papers / projects duly evaluated.
- Ability to apply biostatistical procedure including sampling & tests of significance.
- Ability to perform epidemiological, biostat & public health exercises duly evaluated (min 10 each).
Communication Skills
Ability to utilize all known modes of IEC in order to :
- To generate desired level of awareness in the community on common health issues
- To render health education to specified groups / individuals on specific health issues.
- Mobilise community participation regarding health programmes in hand.
- Mobilise political & administrative will & demolish communication barrier regarding on going health programme .
- Prepare IEC material using local resources.
Skills related to Health Care Delivery to Community
- Familiarization with functioning & infrastructure of SC, SHC, PHC, CHC.
- Familiarization with Urban Health Care delivery system models.
- Planning & evaluation of health programme (min 2).
- Organization of health services for camps, fairs, prisons, orphanages, urban slums, migratory population & other special circumstances.
- Planning & organization of health aspects of disaster management.
- Planning & organization of school health
- Documentation & record keeping for delivery of comprehensive family health care (RHC & UHC).
- Familiarization with MIS in primary health care.
Skills related to Applied Microbiology, Pathology & Radiology
Microbiology o Familiarisation with organization & functioning of Microbiology lab, diagnostic equipements & bio safety procedures.
- Ability to perform staining procedures (10 each), JSB stain, Niesser stain, Gram’s stain, Z-N staining, Leishman stain, other staining procedures.
- Ability to make thin & thick blood smear. o Ability to identify helminthic ova / larvae.
- Familiarisation with procedures for- VDRL & other tests for STDs
- Weil-Felix test
- Widal test & other tests for enteric fever
- Examination of throat swab
- ELISA & other tests for HIV
- Other common tests for viral infection
- Blood culture & other culture procedures o Collection, preservation & transportation of samples for microbiological examination.
- Bacteriological examination of water. Pathology
- Familiarization with organization & functioning of Pathology lab including diagnostic equipments.
- Ability to perform the following tests- Routine Haemogram
Routine urine examination
- Routine stool examination o Familiarisation with Histopathological procedures o Familiarisation with cytological procedures including FNAC & pap smear.
- Organization & functioning of Biochemistry lab & familiarization with diagnostic equipments.
- Familiarization with protection against radiation exposure.
- Interpretation of skiagrams related to common diseases of chest and occupational exposures.
Computer Skills
Knowledge & skill to use- o Microsoft Word o Microsoft Excel
- -Spreadsheet
- -Calculations
- -Graphs o Microsoft Powerpoint o SPSS
- Epi info o Internet surfing
Familiarisation with relevant databases eg Popline, Medline, Pubmed, Cochrane review
Pedagogical Skills
- Familiarization with pedagogical techniques in order to perform :
- Curriculum development o Framing of lesson plan o Use of evaluation techniques o Microteaching, lectures, group discussion, workshops,seminars etc.
Public Health Administration Skills
- Familiarisation with the administrative set up & functioning of the health system in India (National, State & District levels).
- Familiarisation with methods of financial management, practice & procedure.
- Familiarisation with techniques of human resource management.
- Familiarisation with creating, implementation & monitoring of routine MIS of the health system.
- Ability to identify need for change & to make strategic & structural changes in clinic, community services, health system & health policies.
- Ability to play advocacy role in the District Planning Committees & Panchayat Samiti & Zila Parishad.
- Familiarisation with the administrative, executive & legislative setup of nation & state.
- Organization & Conduct of health camps.
- Evaluation of National Health Programmes.
- Familiarisation with legislation pertaining to health.
Familiarisation with administrative setup, functions, powers & operations of :
- Municipal Corporation o Pollution Control Board
- Census
- Registrar Births & Deaths
- NGOs
- Other bodies of significance to health o Social welfare agencies o International agencies o National Polio Surveillance Project o Other health agencies – Railways, Armed Forces etc.
4. Teaching Program
P. G. Curriculum
MD Community Medicine
4. Teaching Program
4.1. General Principles
- Acquisition of practical competencies being the keystone of postgraduate medical education, postgraduate training will be skills oriented.
- Learning in postgraduate program is essentially self-directed and primarily emanating from clinical and academic work. The formal sessions are merely meant to supplement this core effort.
4.2. Teaching Sessions
Following is the list of teaching sessions:
- Seminars
- Journal clubs
- Family presentations
- Long case presentations
- Short case presentations
- Epidemiological exercise
- Public health exercise
- Biostatistics exercise
- Mobile clinics
- Thesis work discussion
- Extra mural posting discussions
- Field visits
Participation in National Health Programmes
4.3 Teaching Schedule
The suggested departmental teaching schedule is as follows:
- Journal club/Seminar alternate week Once a week
- Family / Medico-Social Case Presentation Once a week
- Epidemiology / Public Health / Biostat Exercise Once a week
- Mobile clinic / Thesis work discussion / Extra Mural Posting Once a week
- Field Visit Once a week
- Central session (held in the auditorium regarding various Once a week Topics like CPC, guest lectures, student seminars, grand round, sessions on basic sciences, biostatistics, research methodology, teaching methodology, health economics, medical ethics and legal issues).
- All sessions are attended by the faculty members.
- All the teaching sessions are assessed by the consultants at the end of session and marks are given out of 20 and kept in the office for internal assessment.
- Attendance of the residents at various sessions has to be at least 75%.
5. Postings
The postgraduate students are to be posted in Urban Health Centre/ Rural Health Centre / other departments in the hospital:
UHC : Minimum 1 month per year
RHTC : Minimum 2 months per year
Other Departments : 3 months in 3rd year ( Extra Mural postings)
- (Internal Medicine with allied specialties, Pediatrics, Gynae/Obst/PPU including labour room duties, Microbiology, Pathology, Biochemistry, Psychiatry, Surgery, Dermatology including STD Clinic, Blood Bank, Casualty, CHC, CDPO, MS/Hospital Administration, Dietary, Physiotherapy & Occupational therapy , Civil Surgeon Office).
- During the posting at UHC & RHTC the residents will work directly under supervision of MOH cum Assistant Professor. PG student will be acquiring skills of Family Physician / Community Physician / hospital administration during their posting at respective centre. Posting at RHTC will be residential.
6. Thesis
6.1 Every candidate shall carry out work on an assigned research project under the guidance of recognized postgraduate teacher. The project shall be written and submitted in the form of a thesis.
6.2 Every candidate shall submit thesis plan within the time frame specified by the university.
6.3 Complete Thesis shall be submitted before the commencement of theory examination within the time frame specified by the university.
6.4 The student should (i) identify a relevant research question (ii) conduct a critical review of literature (iii) formulate a hypothesis (iv) determine the most suitable study design (v) state the objectives of the study (vi) prepare a study protocol (viii) undertake a study according to the protocol (viii) analyze and interpret research data and draw conclusions (ix) write a research paper.
7. Assessment
- All the PG residents are to be assessed daily for their academic activities and also periodically.
7.1. General Principles
- The assessment is valid, objective, and reliable.
- It covers cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains.
- Formative, continuing and summative (final) assessment is also conducted in theory as well as practicals/clinicals. In addition, thesis is also assessed separately.
7.2 Formative Assessment
- The formative assessment is continuous as well as end-of-term. The former is based on the feedback from the senior residents and the consultants concerned. End-ofterm assessment is held at the end of each semester (upto the 5th semester). Formative assessment will not count towards pass/fail at the end of the program, but will provide feedback to the candidate.
7.3 Internal Assessment
The performance of the Postgraduate student during the training period should be monitored throughout the course and duly recorded in the log books as evidence of the ability and daily work of the student. Marks should be allotted out of 100 as followed.
Sr. No. Items Marks
1. Personal Attributes 20 2. Practical Work 20 3. Academic activities 20
- End of term theory examination 20
- End of term practical examination 20
- Personal attributes:
Behavior and Emotional Stability: Dependable, disciplined, dedicated, stable in emergency situations shows positive approach.
Motivation and Initiative: Takes on responsibility, innovative, enterprising, does not shirk duties or leave any work pending.
Honesty and Integrity: Truthful, admits mistakes, does not cook up information, has ethical conduct, exhibits good moral values, loyal to the institution.
Interpersonal Skills and Leadership Quality: Gets on well with colleagues and paramedical staff, is respectful to seniors, has good communication skills.
- Practical Work:
Availability: Punctual, available continuously on duty, responds promptly on assignments and takes proper permission for leave.
Diligence: Dedicated, hardworking, does not shirk duties, leaves no work pending, does not sit idle, competent in practical work.
Academic ability: Intelligent, shows sound knowledge and skills, participates adequately in academic activities, and performs well in oral presentation and departmental tests.
Performance: Proficient in presentations and discussion during academic sessions in the department.
- Academic Activity: Performance during presentation at Journal club/ Seminar/ Case discussion/ Stat meeting and other academic sessions. Proficiency in skills as mentioned in job responsibilities.
- End of term theory examinations conducted at end of 1st, 2nd year and after 2 years 9 months.
- End of term practical/oral examinations after 2 years 9 months.
- Marks for personal attributes and work done should be given annually by all the consultants under whom the resident was posted during the year. Average of the three years should be put as the final marks out of 20.
- Marks for academic activity should be given by the all consultants who have attended the session presented by the residents.
- The Internal assessment should be presented to the Board of examiners for due consideration at the time of Final Examinations.
7.4 Summative Assessment
- Ratio of marks in theory and practicals will be equal.
- The pass percentage will be 50%.
- Candidate will have to pass theory and practical examinations separately.
A. Theory Examination (Total = 400)
Paper |
Title Marks |
Paper I |
Basic sciences as applied to 100 Community Medicine |
Paper II |
Public Health Administration & 100 Management Sciences |
Paper III |
Community Medicine & 100 Family Practice |
Paper IV |
Recent Advances in 100 Community Medicine |
B. Practical & Viva voce Examination(Total = 400)
Long Case / Family Study /Medico-social case |
80 |
Short Case (s) x 2 |
80 |
Statistical Exercise |
30 |
Epidemiological exercise |
30 |
Public health exercise |
20 |
Structured spot exercise(spotting) |
20 |
Microbiological exercise |
15 |
Pedagogic Exercise |
15 |
Journals/other work records |
10 |
Oral |
100 |
8. Job Responsibilities
- Health education campaigns in community
- School health programme
- Organization of various health camps
- Organize Demonstrations / family study / problem- based -learning for undergraduate students
- Conduct of field visits
- Prepare settings for training under the supervision and guidance of teacher to impart skill based training to undergraduates in the community
- To become part of resident and internship training programme in the community setting
- Participation in national health programmes
- Function as MO in UHC, RHC
- Function as MO in UHC, RHC
9. Suggested Books
9.1 Core books
- Maxcy-Rosenau-last Public Health & Preventive Medicine : Wallace RB
- Text book of Community Medicine : Sunder Lal, Adarsh & Pankaj
- Park’s Text book of Preventive & Social Medicine
- Epidemiology in Medical Practice : Barker DJP
- Biostatistics : A foundation for Analysis in the Health Sciences: Daniel WW
- National Health Programmes of India: Kishore J
- Multiple Choice Questions in Preventive & Social Medicine : GPI Singh & Sarit Sharma
9.2 Reference Books
- Oxford Text book of Public Health: Detels R, McEwen J, Beaglehold R Control of Communicable Diseases in Man: Benenson AS Manson’s Tropical Diseses:Cook G, Zumla A
- Hunter’s Diseases of Occupations: Baxter PJ, Admas PH
- Hunters Tropical Medicine and emerging infectious diseases: Strickland GT
- An introduction to sociology: Bhusan and Sachdeva Clinical Epidemiology- the Essentials : Fletcher
- Epidemiology and Management for Health Care for all: Sathe PV, Sathe AP
- Training modules of various national & international institutes and national health programmes
9.3 Journals
- Indian journal of community medicine
- Indian journal of preventive and social medicine
- American journal of epidemiology
- British journal of epidemiology
- Lancet
- Human biology
- Health and populations- perspectives and issues
- NTI Bulletin
- Journal of communicable diseases (NICD)
- WHO Bulletin
- WHO technical reports series Emerging infectious diseases
- CD alerts (NICD)
- Nutrition news (National institute of nutrition)
- The journal of family welfare
- International family planning perspectives
- Indian Journal of Public Health
- Social Medicine IAPSM Punjab Bulletin
10. Model Test Papers
Basic Sciences as applied to Community Medicine
Max. Marks:100 |
Time: 3 hrs |
- Attempt ALL questions
- Answer each question & its parts in SEQUENTIAL ORDER
- ALL questions carry equal marks
- Illustrate your answer with SUITABLE DIAGRAMS
- What is Kaplan Meier Survival Curve? Discuss its applications in medical sciences.
- How will you plan the universalisation of ICDS scheme while maintaining the quality of services ?
- Describe lot quality assurance sampling giving suitable examples.
- Discuss the social pathology of maternal mortality in India.
- Outline various ethical considerations in randomised controlled trials.
- Outline various ethical considerations in randomised controlled trials.
- Give an account of evaluation techniques in Pedagogy.
- Discuss in detail various criteria for measurement of poverty.
- Enumerate the salient features and uses of International Classification of diseases-10th Revision.
- What is nutritional surveillance? Describe briefly various methods used for nutritional surveillance.
Public Health Administration & Management Sciences
Max. Marks:100 |
Time: 3 hrs |
- Attempt ALL questions
- Answer each question & its parts in SEQUENTIAL ORDER
- ALL questions carry equal marks
- Illustrate your answer with SUITABLE DIAGRAMS
- Discuss the role of social marketing in health sector.
- Enumerate health hazards related to infectious waste management. Describe briefly ways to minimize these health hazards.
- What is biological warfare? Write a note on disaster preparedness in case of biological warfare.
- Describe briefly the concept of essential drugs. Enumerate the criteria for selection of essential drugs.
- Enumerate the salient features of Pre-Conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act 1994.
- Discuss the Impact of International Health Regulations on World Trade Organization.
- What is Medical Audit ? Discuss in detail various stages of audit cycle.
- Explain the effects of lead pollution on environment. Elaborate ways to reduce lead pollution.
- Give an account of new dimensions of health informatics.
- Describe briefly various inventory control techniques giving suitable examples.
Community Medicine & Family Practice
Max. Marks:100 |
Time: 3 hrs |
- Attempt ALL questions
- Answer each question & its parts in SEQUENTIAL ORDER
- ALL questions carry equal marks
- Illustrate your answer with SUITABLE DIAGRAMS
- Critically evaluate the available infrastructure of RCH programme.
- Critically evaluate the Current Scenario of RCH programme.
- Describe in detail surveillance of Acute Flaccid Paralysis.
- Discuss the role of emergency contraception in the era of globalization.
- Submit a plan for resource mobilization for geriatric population at the level of community health centre.
- Write a note on Disability Adjusted Life Years.
- Discuss validity of a Screening Test giving suitable examples.
- Describe briefly 10/90 Gap in relation to inequitable distribution of resources in health care.
- Give an account of current status of malaria vaccines.
- What do you understand by Replacement Level Fertility in the context of population stabilization?
Recent Advances in Community Medicine
Max. Marks:100 |
Time: 3 hrs |
- Attempt ALL questions
- Answer each question & its parts in SEQUENTIAL ORDER
- ALL questions carry equal marks
- Illustrate your answer with SUITABLE DIAGRAMS
- Discuss the role of remote sensing in vector borne diseases.
- What is meta analysis? Describe steps for conducting meta analysis.
- Write a note on No Scalpel Vasectomy.
- Discuss briefly various operational research techniques used in health care.
- Give an account of recent developments in RNTCP.
- Submit a plan for preventing an imminent outbreak of bird flu.
- Outline the objectives & salient features of National AIDS Control Programme phase- III.
- Discuss the impact of tourism on the health of community.
- Discuss briefly the role of computer software in epidemiology.
- What is focus group discussion? Discuss its role in qualitative research.