WHO’s vision is that everyone, everywhere, has the right to the highest attainable standard of health. Assistive products are fundamental to achieve this vision, as they ensure that people with disability, older people and those affected by chronic health conditions are able to live a healthy and dignified life and are included in society.
As part of that commitment, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development places well-being and universal health coverage at the centre of its development vision, with the commitment to leave no one behind. In addition, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has recognized access to assistive technology as a human right and has called for international cooperation to improve global access (Article 32).
In 2018, delegates at the Seventy-first World Health Assembly adopted the resolution Improving access to assistive technology, urging Member States to develop, implement and strengthen policies and programmes to improve access to assistive technology as a move towards universal health coverage.
WHO coordinates the Global Cooperation on Assistive Technology (GATE) as a step towards realizing the Sustainable Development Goals, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and implementing the resolution WHA71.8 on assistive technology. The GATE initiative has the goal to support countries in addressing challenges and improving access to assistive products within their context.
Assistive technology
Assistive technology enables and promotes inclusion and participation, especially of persons with disability, aging populations, and people with non-communicable diseases. The primary purpose of assistive products is to maintain or improve an individual’s functioning and independence, thereby promoting their well-being. They enable people to live healthy, productive, independent and dignified lives, and to participate in education, the labour market and civic life.
One billion people need assistive products today and more than two billion people around the world are expected to need at least one assistive product by 2030. While anyone may need an assistive product at some time in their life, they are most often required by adult and children with disability, older people and people with chronic health conditions such as diabetes and dementia.
Examples of assistive products include hearing aids, wheelchairs, spectacles, prostheses and devices that support memory, among many others. While supporting independence and well-being, these products can also help to prevent or reduce the effects of secondary health conditions, such as lower limb amputation in people with diabetes. They can also reduce the need and impact on carers and mitigate the need for formal health and support services. Moreover, access to appropriate assistive products can have a tremendous impact on community development and economic growth.
Despite the global need and recognized benefits of assistive products, access to assistive products remains limited. Addressing this unmet need is essential to progress towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and realizing the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
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