স্কুল অফ ট্রপিক্যাল মেডিসিন, কলকাতা

School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata

School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata

School of Tropical Medicine (STM), is one of the seven such Institutions dedicated to research, care and cure of tropical diseases. STM was founded by Sir Leonard Rogers way back in 1914. The corridors of STM had regular footfall of eminent researchers like Leonard Rogers, Ronald Ross, R Knowels, UN Brahmachari, JB Chatterjee, RN Chopra and many others. The foundation stone of the School of Tropical Medicine was laid by the Governor. Lord Carmichael in the year 1914 on 24th February at the initiative of Sir Leonard Rogers.

The School started functioning independently in its own building in 1921 with Lt. Col. JWD Megaw as the first Director, the first batch of students obtaining their Diploma in Tropical Medicine (DTM) in 1922. It is the only institution in India engaged exclusively in research, Post-graduate education and healthcare for tropical diseases. Basically, the objectives have remained uncharged and the school provides facilities for research, post-graduate teaching, training, investigation and treatment in tropical diseases. Presently the institute is under West Bengal University of Health Sciences that governs all the medical colleges in the state of West Bengal. The hospital section of the institute is known as Carmichael Hospital for Tropical Diseases. The Institute possesses a Centre of Excellence where advanced research is going on HIV/HBV Co-infection and Hepatitis B anti-viral therapy.

Sir Leonard Rogers FRS (1868-1962) was a founder member of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, and its President from 1933 to 1935. Rogers had a wide range of interests in tropical medicine, from the study of kala-azar epidemics to snake venoms, but is best known for pioneering the treatment of cholera with hypertonic saline, which has saved a multitude of lives. Rogers was one of the pioneers in setting up the School of Tropical Medicine in India. The foundation stone was laid on 24 February, 1914 by Lord Carmichael, the then Governor of Bengal. Accordingly, the hospital section of the institute is known as Carmichael Hospital for Tropical Diseases.

Eminent researchers like Sir Leonard Rogers, Sir R Knowels, Sir UN Bramhachari, Sir Ronald Ross, Prof. RN Chopra, Prof JB Chatterjee, Prof AB Chaudhury did fundamental research in this institution on various tropical diseases and are remembered globally for their inventions. The Researchers and Faculty of the institutions are now holding the flagship to continue with the world class fundamental research.

The prestigious institution is now in its 100th year and the centenary celebration is being made through various programs.

School of Tropical Medicine, 108, C.R. Avenue, Kolkata
033-22123694, 3695, 3697, 22414065
033- 2212-3698
Contact Directory

School of Tropical Medicine

108, Chittaranjan Avenue
Kolkata - 700 073
Phone : 033-2212 3697/98
Fax : 033-2212 3698


Diploma in Clinical Pathology

স্কুল অফ ট্রপিক্যাল মেডিসিন, কলকাতা

DM - Clinical Pharmacology

স্কুল অফ ট্রপিক্যাল মেডিসিন, কলকাতা

MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy

বি জে মেডিকেল কলেজ, আহমেদাবাদ

MD - Microbiology

বি জে মেডিকেল কলেজ, আহমেদাবাদ

MD - Pharmacology

বি জে মেডিকেল কলেজ, আহমেদাবাদ

MD - Tropical Medicine

স্কুল অফ ট্রপিক্যাল মেডিসিন, কলকাতা