निमरा इन्स्टिट्यूट ऑफ मेडिकल सायन्सेस, कृष्णा

Nimra Institute of Medical Sciences, Krishna

Nimra Institute of Medical Sciences, Krishna

Nimra Educational Society (NES), a Muslim Minority body established in the Year 1991 and registered under the Andhra Pradesh Societies Registration Act of 1350 Fasli.

NES is established with a view to promote general, technical, medical and other professional/scientific education among the general masses, regardless of their caste, creed and community but with a special focus on the Muslim Minorities. Many people give us credit for bringing about a revolutionary change in the existing education system of the state of Andhra Pradesh especially in the Costal Andhra region.

The Society is committed for the development and upliftment of all, and firmly believes Education as a vehicle for nation building. It also firmly believes that education alone can unite one and all and can develop sound economy for the country.

Thus, in order to achieve this aim, the Society has established various Institutions with the main objective to eradicate the evilness of Donations and Capitations from the root and make Education Reachable and affordable to the poorest of the poor, through Modern & Secular Educational Institutions offering B.Tech, M.tech in Engineering, B. Pharmacy, MBA, MCA courses in order to bring minorities on par with other communities in the larger interest of National Integration.

Our aim is to make Nimra a name of synonymous with quality education across the whole country. We dream of a society where every individual is empowered and respected irrespective of the social standing.

NES has been established with the sole aim of ensuring that our country with an abundance of the greatest resource on earth – the human resource, grows and develops through education of the people.

NES is the First Muslim minority body to have established Training, Technical and Professional Colleges in the entire costal Andhra region which has established 4 Engineering, 1 Pharmacy, 1 Business management College and has a total intake of 2280 annually which makes Nimra Educational Society one of the biggest and the most trusted name in the field of Education not only in the costal Region but throughout the State of Andhra Pradesh. The main objective of the society is to attract the masses towards professional education and to ensure a continuous improvement in their learning.

Nimra is not merely another educational Society, It is a symbol of the ethos, the principles we stand for and the cultural values. It is the physical depiction of the morals that are dear to us.

We firmly believe that every individual is capable of contributing to the society. The education system has to be modified to suit the current need of the competitive scene in professional education. Nimra took the lead and incorporated the necessary changes. We are glad that the trust the parents have on us, has been a motivating factor that has kept us going ahead confidently and overcoming hurdles. Parent's satisfaction and our students' success are the rewards we seek.

A renowned team of Architects have designed the Nimra Vijayawada campus layout after studying the natural topography, weather conditions of extreme summer and so on. Spread over a vast area with ultramodern facilities, spacious laboratories, workshops, computer labs and separate academic block for each department with best faculty, infrastructure and facilities of international standards.

NES has received unstinted support and laurels from both minorities and all other communities for their secular approach towards professional education. In all these years of experience we only learnt one very simple yet very significant lesson. The need of the society is like the ocean and the service we render are like drops. So we are now determined to add as many drops as we can and tell our self, we tried our best. The task is arduous and the path grueling but we assure Nimra is a never-ending revolution.


  • To create a healthier nation through new science, new medicine and new cures.

  • To be a national leader for excellence and innovation in the delivery of health care and patient safety, continually improving the quality of services and the patient care experience.

  • To encourage and establish world class higher education facilities at every district head quarters.

  • To encourage and create state-of-the-art professional research based education institutions in all disciplines.

  • To encourage institutes of education in general, technical, medical and other professional /scientific / physical education for the challenged.

  • To develop human resources required for the education process.

  • To continuously upgrade educational content in multiple media.

  • To create institutional linkages wit other sectors of social development such as health and rural development.

  • To Market India as a destination for affordable, high quality education.

  • To provide quality primary and higher education facilities to every citizen of India.

  • To make Costs of education reachable and affordable to the under privileged sections of society.

  • To monitor continuously and upgrade Quality of education to ensure high standards.

  • To Create and maintain data bases, and continuously analyse trends.


  • To deliver outstanding patient car through commitment to the community, groundbreaking research and inspired teaching

  • To Eradicate the Evilness of Donation and Capitations from primary to higher education and to ensure merit is followed to spread education among masses, And to make Education Reachable and Affordable to the poorest of the poor.

  • Above all else, we are committed to the care and improvement of human life. In recognition of this commitment, we at London Bridge Hospital will strive to deliver high quality, cost-effective healthcare in the communities we serve. In pursuit of our mission, we believe the following statements are essential and timeless:

  • We recognise and affirm the unique and intrinsic value of each individual.

  • We treat all those we serve with compassion and kindness.

  • We act with honesty, integrity and fairness in the way we conduct our business and in our personal behavior.

  • We trust our colleagues as valuable members of our healthcare team and pledge to treat each other with loyalty, respect and dignity.

Welcome to the Nimra Educational Society where Leadership and Innovation is our history. In a world of rapidly changing knowledge and markets, NIMRA remains a leader in science and technology education. The application of engineering knowledge has been at the heart of NIMRA since its founding 12 years ago, and today we continue to generate the inventions and innovations that fuel our collective future.

Since 1997 Nimra has been an innovator in engineering education, embracing and building the new concept of Experiential Learning. Today, we continue that legacy of innovation and leadership in under graduate and post graduate programs.

One of my main goals as Chairman is to "Eradicate the Evilness of Donation and Capitations from primary to higher education and to ensure merit is followed to spread education among masses, And to make Education Reachable and Affordable to the poorest of the poor".

To enhance opportunities and to translate successful science into Practice so that the greatest benefits to society are realized as quickly as possible. This means working closely with industry and government to learn from practical experience and to fuel innovation on the ground with best ideas.

Increasingly, the challenges of engineering and science exist on a global scale so any proposed solutions must embrace a similar range of inputs. Global reach has expanded tremendously in recent years, and we are now expanding its reach as well. Professional Education wants to bring the best of us to any place where our skills, talents, and insights can be useful.

As we plan and look to the future, as we educate students for, and work hard on the 21st Century challenges in science and technology.

Nimra campus is a special place. We are differentiated from other colleges by our successful experiential model of education and our focus on technology solutions to social challenges.

The College is its people – faculty, students and alumni. All of our leadership, innovation, and growth come from these sources. We seek, deliver, and will help you achieve, excellence.

I invite you to join us on the exciting frontier and opportunities of new knowledge and fresh Practical solutions that will support a sustainable future for us all.

Nimra Educational Society a foundation build on values, with the objective of creating center of excellence for education in the field of Education – Nimra Educational Society is scaling new heights. Within a very short span of time, we have evolved by leaps & bounds into establishing one of the best educational institutions in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

We have created a learning culture, a friendly environment that facilitates complete development of our students. Our three pronged focus on knowledge, skill and attitude is aimed at meeting the needs of the industry. We are confident that your life at our Nimra campus will be academically fruitful and otherwise pleasant.

It is a pleasure to extend my best wishes to you and assure you that under the mentorship of the dedicated faculty of this esteemed institutions you will be able to take full advantage of the facilities and opportunities and thus realize your dreams.

I invite you to become better acquainted with the campus where you will discover not only engineering excellence, but also a campus alive with round-the-clock cultural, artistic, and intellectual activity.

0866-6500000, 6545454, 2881851, 2881853


Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
सरकारी सिद्धार्थ मेडिकल कॉलेज, विजयवाडा

Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (Latin: Medicinae Baccalaureus, Baccalaureus Chirurgiae; abbreviated in many ways, most commonly MBBS, but also MB ChB, BMBS, MB BCh, MB BChir), is the primary medical degree awarded by medical schools in countries that follow the tradition of the United Kingdom. The historical degree nomenclature states that they are two separate undergraduate degrees. In practice, however, they are usually combined as one and conferred together, and may also be awarded at graduate-level medical schools.

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), is a professional degree in medical science. A person holding the MBBS degree becomes a certified medical practitioner. The duration of MBBS course is five years and six months including one year of rotational internship at hospitals, health centres, and health camps organised by non-profit organisations (NGOs). MBBS course syllabus includes studies on anatomy, pharmacology, pathology as well as community health & medicine, paediatrics, and surgery. The syllabus, prescribed in such a way that MBBS degree holders can choose a specialisation for further majoring and practising medicine. The career specialisations for MBBS students are Nephrology, Cardiology, Gynecology, Anesthesiology, Organ Transplant, Endocrine, and General Surgery, etc.



Anatomy is a fundamental subject of the medical curriculum. Anatomy department of our MAPIMS has a A/C Lecture hall, excellent Practical labs, Dissection hall, Research lab and Seminar hall with all modern teaching & learning facilities.


Our department has a spacious, well ventilated dissection hall with adequate number of instruments, dissecting tables and cadavers to give proper training to the students. To gain a sound anatomical knowledge all students are compulsorily made to dissect the cadaver everyday to make the subject lovable and interesting.


Histology lab is well equipped with all instruments, microscopes, slides and chemicals. Additionally we have 11 binocular camera attached microscopes connected with computer and one connected with CCTV. All students are given histology slide and microscope individually during practical hours to gain a good histological knowledge in addition to theory classes.


It is well arranged with Hot air ovens, Refrigerator, Weighing machine, microtome and all necessary chemicals.


As it is an attractive section of Anatomy Department, due care has been taken to develop the museum. Our Museum hall is spacious and well ventilated with very good light source. More than 150 Specimens which are carefully dissected and mounted in glass jars. They are well displayed on the tables under different sections as dry & wet. Adequate number of catalogues are prepared and kept to enable the students to learn the specimens easily.

Adequate number of embryology and gross anatomy models are displayed with brief explanatory notes for each model. To gain a thorough knowledge of Osteology, we have 10 articulated skeleton and more than 30 sets of disarticulated bones. To train them in Radiology, more than 100 X-rays are made available.


Our department is fulfilled with eminent, well qualified, experienced and dedicated teachers who are students friendly and more approachable. Anatomy is taught by them by a balanced approach with a combination of lectures, practicals, seminars & symposia with multimedia device.


Students interested in this area of body science are guided by a team of dedicated faculty members with excellent teaching resources. The sessions are a mix of both theoretical/practical training and pre-clinical knowledge instruction. Regular symposia, seminars and journal club meetings create forums for the exchange of ideas. Faculty members use both vertical and horizontal methods of lecture and demonstration classes so that students can have a deeper understanding of applied physiology.


The undergraduate students are given a sound grounding in the basics of physiology. The curriculum is comprised of lectures backed by practical classes where students apply concepts in real time. The postgraduate program imparts to students a detailed look at physiology, instructing them through tutorials, seminars and group discussions and motivating them in research activities of their interest under the guidance of expert faculty.


Pathology is a unique medical specialty as diagnosis is the foundation of all patient care. It is a branch of medicine dealing with the study of diseases and its underlying mechanisms and provides diagnosis for the treatment and management of patients.


The study of pathology is divided into general pathology and special or systemic pathology. In recent years with the advent of modern advances in genetics and molecular pathology, we at MAPIMS, strive to impart abundant knowledge to the budding doctors .We are striving to achieve this goal with the help of state of the art laboratories, modern equipments, audio visual aids and museum, under the supervision of experienced and well qualified teaching staff. Students get adequate exposure to the different subspecialties of pathology like Surgical pathology, Clinical pathology, Cytopathology, Hematology and Molecular pathology at our institution .We also have a separate department of Transfusion Medicine which consists of modern Blood Bank with Component separation to cater to the needs of ill patients.


Weekly journal clubs and projects, seminars and symposiums are held at the institute regularly. The academic wing has two practical halls capable of training 90 students at a time. The hospital laboratories are well equipped with advanced facilities which help to provide accurate diagnosis to the patients. We thus train the students to understand the pathology of diseases and provide the final diagnosis in all clinical ailments to the patients.

We also conduct the following projects in our department :
- Regular pap screening of all female OPD patients and organize camps in surrounding villages.
- Regular screening of pediatric and anemic patients for hemoglobinopathies.
- Immunohistochemistry studies for soft tissue and lymphoid malignancies.


A good physician has to be a good pharmacologist. Students gain a thorough knowledge of medications, such as various routes of administration, mechanisms of action, pharmacokinetics, adverse drug reactions and dosage schedules.

With well-qualified and experienced faculty guiding them, students can look forward to an interesting course. The faculty keep themselves up-to-date by participating in national and international conferences and presenting scientific papers. This in turn keeps students updated.


The curriculum is a healthy mix of theoretical and practical work. Students are expected to take up projects and attend clinical classes. They are also given the opportunity to learn new concepts through seminars, group discussions and CME programs. Interactive sessions encourage students to present their understanding of the subject. Faculty members put the audiovisual facilities of the lecture halls to good use in keeping the sessions lively.

Undergraduate students are made familiar with the usage of medications commonly prescribed in dentistry. Since prescribing drugs is an important daily routine for a medical professional, training in writing a proper prescription is also part of the curriculum. Research

Both faculty and students are encouraged to attend research programs to come out with better medications and investigate existing prescription drugs. The Animal House is attached to the department as much of the research involves testing we are also conducting a pharmaco vigilance program in our institution.

A vital role

The department plays a pivotal role in the MAPIMS Medical College Hospital by providing other clinical departments with a variety of services:

Drug information for clinical departments
Patient treatment assessments by monitoring drug levels
Complete drug formulary for clinical reference
Clinical trials conducted in collaboration with
pharmaceutical companies

Forensic Medicine

It is one of the 21 teaching departments of the institute. It has the require infrastructures and staffs as prescribed by Medical Council of India.

Well experience Faculty members of the department is giving training to the students so that at the end of the course, the students shall be able to apply his medical knowledge to solve medico-legal problems related to injuries, unnatural deaths, sexual-offences etc. for the cause of justice.

The students shall be able to appear in a court of law as a Registered Medical Practitioner and give evidence in cases of Homicide, Assault, Sexual offences, Alcoholic intoxication, Drug dependence and other cases requiring medical opinion

The students shall be able to distinguish between ethical and unethical conducts of the medical practitioners and practice medicine in the society following medical ethics and etiquette as prescribed by the Indian Medical Council.

Faculty members are regularly attending Work-shops, Conferences, CME etc. Some of them are also working for as Honorary members of some National Journals. They have published a good number of papers in different journals.

Dr. A. Momon Singh Professor of the Department & Dean of the institute has been awarded Fellowship of Indian Academic of Forensic Medicine in 2008.

The department has organized State level CME on “Legal hurdles in medical practice” on 8th October 2010 in the institute

Community Medicine

Community Medicine is the branch of medicine concerned with the health of populations. It strives to protect and promote the health and well-being of the community through the Primary Health Care approach

Health needs of populations are measured and appropriate strategies are developed to improve the health status of the community through health promotion, disease prevention and health protection.

Training in Community Medicine aims ate nurturing Primary Care Physicians who can recognize and mange common health problems in the community. The Community-oriented Primary care Physician will have the ability to identify, prioritize and manage the health problems of the community. He/she would be an effective leader of the health team at primary care levels.

The Community Physician demonstrates excellence in academics, health research, and leadership skills. He/she is instrumental in development of public health policy, design, implementation and evaluation of health programs and applies them to a broad range of community health issues.

Students of this subject will have to apply the knowledge they have gained in several areas of medicine for the benefit of the community. They are taught the preventive, curative and promotive aspects of every illness. They are also encouraged to involve in the community, during their Compulsory Rotatory Residential Internship (CRRI).

Department Mission

The Community Medicine Department is committed to educating medical students to be community responsive primary care physicians who meet the health care needs of the community and the country as a whole particularly the rural and medically underserved communities and to work constantly for quality improvement to make our Institution’s vision of “HEALTH FOR ALL “.

Department Goal

The goal of undergraduate teaching/training in Community Medicine is directed towards achievement of “HEALTH FOR ALL”. Aim of undergraduate training is to prepare the students to become Primary Care Physicians competent to handle & manage commonly occurring health problems in the community