TV Spot Announcements (American Dental Association, 1955)

This reel is comprised of 16 short films on dental health, some or all of them to be used as television spot announcements. Some are labeled as public service announcements from the American Dental Association. The films are, briefly: 1. A little girl demonstrates good brushing technique, proper care of the teeth after meals as a narrator admonishes children to care for their teeth. 2. A teenage boy is shown eating nutritious foods and candy as a narrator explains that good foods are necessary for good dental health and that sugar causes tooth decay. 3.

The Value of a Smile (Hollywood Motion Picture Institute, 1940s)

Good dental health is stressed in the story of two grade-school children who must prepare a report on oral hygiene. They go to visit a children's dentist. The dentist is busy cleaning a girl's teeth, then showing her her yearly mouth X-rays. The female dental assistant shows the two students a book about teeth containing pictures of second teeth forming behind the deciduous teeth. The assistant takes the children to see an orthodontist where they are shown drawings and casts of teeth from birth to teenage.

Care of Teeth [Silent] (Eastman Teaching Films, Inc., 1930)

Good dental care for children is presented in this film. Teeth are made from the food we eat. A smiling girl sits at a table eating a meal. A diagram shows the parts of a tooth as a pointer indicates the parts. The right foods are necessary for good teeth. Vigorous chewing helps to make strong teeth. Stain and deposits lead to decay. A mouthful of decayed teeth is shown. The dental hygienist helps to keep the mouth healthy. A woman dental hygienist is shown in a dental clinic greeting a boy patient. The child gets into the dentist's chair and has a towel put over his chest.

Decompression Sickness Project (Edmund Newton Harvery, 1944)

This film shows experiments conducted during World War II on behalf of the National Research Council to better understand decompression sickness. Dr. Edmund Newton Harvey was best known for his research on bioluminescence, but he also conducted applied research in areas such as wound ballistics and aviation physiology. In these experiments, Harvey explores the phenomenon of bubble formation in blood and tissue.

Rabies in Man (US Army Medical Service, 1955)

This program presents filmed sequences of a group of twenty-nine villagers from Sahneh who had been attacked by a rabid wolf. Filmed sequences of one villager taken at various times during his disease, are presented to illustrate the clinical course and manifestations of the disease in this man. The man is seen after he is bitten but before he manifests symptoms overtly, the third day of his disease, and the fifth day of the disease. Scenes taken as the patient dies are also included. A doctor is also shown as he apparently examined the man to verify that death has occurred.

Leprosy in India [Silent] (Albert Victoria Hospital, Calcutta, c1930)

Manifestations of leprosy from beginning to end stages are shown in this silent film. Images are interspersed with title slides in German, informing the viewer that he/she is seeing cases of nerve damage, skin damage, loss of extremities, and other effects of the disease. People are shown receiving injections, washing, and exercising as part of their treatment. Produced by the Albert Victoria Hospital.

Reproductive System and Human Development (Jacob Sarnoff and Bray Productions, 1925)

The film begins with a statement that the abandonment of prudery in recent years has made possible the teaching of human reproduction to "the adolescent and mature." The position and function of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries is presented. With drawings, legends, and post-mortem specimens, the film traces human reproduction from ovulation through fertilization, segmentation, implantation, growth and maturity of the fetus, and enlargement of the uterus. The function of the umbilical cord is explained.

The Mechanism of Wounding (Edmund Newton Harvey, Princeton University, 1945)

These reels show experiments in wound ballistics, with missiles fired into water, gelatin, mammals, frogs, and fish. Dr. Edmund Newton Harvey was best known for his research on bioluminescence, but he also conducted applied research in areas such as wound ballistics and aviation physiology. In these experiments, Harvey is investigating the large cone-shaped temporary cavity that results after a projectile passes through tissue or other substances. The temporary cavity is many times larger than the permanent cavity observed after the completed passage of the projectile.

Herr Professor Doktor Jakob Erdheim [Silent] (Producer unknown, 1933)

Shots include: the exterior of Krankenhaus der Stadt Wien (Vienna) ; people on the pavement and automobiles on the street in front of the hospital; group of white-gowned men around an autopsy table; gowned, gloved man at a side table cutting up a specimen; Y-shaped incision is made on the cadaver and two sets of gloved hands begin to dissect the chest; the ribs are cut and the ribs and sterum removed; the thoracic contents are cut free and removed from the cavity; the prosector, wearing an apron and gloves, examines the lungs; the flayed scalp is minutely examined; the prosector taps on the

Recent Modifications of Convulsive Shock Therapy (Univ of Nebraska-Omaha, 1941)

Convulsive shock's usefulness in treating affective disorders is discussed. Metrazol convulsions have been the most popular method, but spinal and extremity fractures made it hazardous until preliminary curare therapy markedly softened the convulsions. A case of manic excitement is shown to illustrate the curare-metrazol therapy. Good results are usually seen after six to eight treatments. A second treatment using quinine methochloride instead of curare is shown. Methoquinine and metrazol may be administered simultaneously. Post-treatment apnea is more prolonged with curare.

Prefrontal Lobotomy in Chronic Schizophrenia (Bishop Clarkson Memorial Hospital, 1944)

This film shows the improvement that can result from prefrontal lobotomy in chronic psychotics. Four patients are shown before and after the operation. Patients include one 25-year-old aggressive female, one 22-year-old aggressive male, one female who had been catatonic for five years, and one 26-year-old Ph.D. who has had catatonic lapses in the last three years. All patients appeared calmer and more sociable after surgery. Only the five-year catatonic female had to continue hospitalization after the lobotomy, although she had improved greatly.

Case Study of Multiple Personality (C. C. Wholey, 1923)

This film records a case of multiple personality. A woman (Mrs. X) regresses to a childhood state (Susie). She also has another, less well-developed secondary personality (Jack). Later, in response to the death of her parish priest, Mrs. X goes into a trance state for 24 hours and emerges as a baby with a mental age of about one year. The patient is seen at a family picnic, and later, as Susie, writing down answers to questions. There appears to be a struggle between Susie and Jack, and when Jack appears, he exhibits male posture and handshake. Mrs.

Narcosynthesis (Bishop Clarkson Memorial Hospital, 1944)

Under light narcosis produced by ultra-short-acting barbiturates, patients re-experience emotions associated with psychic trauma and become more amenable to suggestion. The four examples are: 1) the effect of simple suggestion in choreic movements; 2) the effect of reassurance and suggestion in hysteria with hemiporesis; 3) the production of emotional responsiveness in a schizophrenic-like state; and 4) a severe case of major hysteria in an 11-year-old girl.

The Reward of Courage [Silent] (American Society for the Control of Cancer, 1921)

A Rediscovered Cancer Film of the Silent Era In 1921 the American Society for the Control of Cancer released The Reward of Courage. The film, a silent melodrama, was designed to persuade viewers to visit a physician for regular checkups and at the first sign of the disease.