Breast Cancer: Anatomy of the Breast

If you like this animation, LIKE us on Facebook: Knowing breast anatomy is important for early detection and prevention of breast cancer. #BreastCancer #BreastAnatomy #Breast ANS00363

Breast Cancer | Staging | Nucleus Health

Learn more about licensing this video for content marketing or patient education purposes:… This video, created by Nucleus Medical Media, outlines the progression of breast cancer and describes the stage classifications based on the extent of the disease. #BreastCancerStaging #Metastasis #Breast ANS00365

Breast Cancer | Symptoms | Nucleus Health

Visit our website to learn more about using Nucleus animations for patient engagement and content marketing:… This 3D medical animation outlines various breast cancer symptoms such as change in size or shape of breast, inward turned nipple, pitting or dimpling of the skin of the breast/nipple, or nipple discharge. #BreastCancerSymptoms #BreastAnatomy #Breast ANS00364

Small Cell Lung Cancer Staging

If you like this animation, LIKE us on Facebook: This 3D medical animation begins with an explanation of small cell lung cancer (SCLC) categorization; Limited and Extensive stages. The limited-stage cancer cells are shown invading one lung and the nearby lymph nodes. The extensive stage of the cancer cells are shown invading both lungs. #SmallCellLungCancerStagjng #LungCancerStaging #Cancer ANS00403

Lung Cancer

This 3D medical animation begins with an overview of the treatment options for lung cancer. Different surgical options such as a wedge resection, lobectomy, pneumonectomy, sleeve resection are reviewed. The focus then turns to non-invasive therapies such as radiation therapy, external beam radiation therapy (EBRT), chemotherapy, brachytherapy, targeted therapy. ANS000404

Cancer Immunotherapy

Visit our website to learn more about using Nucleus content for patient engagement and content marketing: #CancerImmunotherapy #Immunotherapy #CancerTreatment MEDICAL ANIMATION TRANSCRIPT: This video will show you what cancer immunotherapy is and how it works. Immuno-oncology is the study and development of certain treatments called immunotherapies for cancer. These treatments fight cancer by strengthening your immune system. Normally, the white blood cells of your immune system help fight infections and disease.

MD Hospital Administration

MD Hospital Administration

Competency based training programme aims to produce a post-graduate student who after undergoing the required training should be able to deal effectively with the needs of the community and should be competent to handle all problems related to his/her specialty including recent advances. He/She should also acquire skill in teaching of medical / para-medical students in the subject that he/she has received his/her training. He/She should be aware of his/her limitations.

MD Microbiology

MD Microbiology

The purpose of preparing these Guidelines is to standardize Microbiology teaching at Post Graduate level throughout the country so that it will achieve uniformity in undergraduate teaching as well

MD Marine Medicine

MD Marine Medicine

The specialty of Marine Medicine deals with prevention and treatment of morbidity amongst seafarers, prevention and cure of illnesses due to exposure to environments with elevated ambient pressure, and the therapeutic use of high environmental oxygen pressure. The scope of the specialty emphasizes occupational, environmental, safety, and clinical aspects of maritime health, diving, hyperbaric chamber operations and hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

MD Geriatrics

MD Geriatrics

Older Indians carry a large burden of disease and disability and pose a tremendous challenge for the health sector as well as also social and economic infrastructure. Several initiatives of Government of India namely: National Policy on Older Persons (1999), National Health Policy (2015 draft), National Population Policy (2015), Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, (2007) and the National Program for Health Care of the Elderly (2011, 2014), have emphasized the need for provision of quality and specialized health care of the older population.

MD Forensic Medicine

MD Forensic Medicine

This programme is meant to standardize and strengthen Forensic Medicine teaching at the post graduate level throughout the country so that it will benefit the judiciary and the legal system of the country in providing justice which will ultimately benefit the community at large. It will also help in achieving uniformity in undergraduate teaching.

MD Immunohematology and Blood Transfusion

Transfusion medicine is a unique multi-dimensional speciality that incorporates elements of blood banking, immunohematology, coagulation, and hematologyand integrates science technology, medicine, public health administration and the community as a whole. Because transfusion therapy has strong interrelationship with several other disciplines, particularly haematology and immunology, training programmes in transfusion medicine must include appropriate knowledge and skills in these subjects.

MD Radiotherapy

MD Radiotherapy

Oncology is a highly specialized and technical discipline in clinical medicine comprising treatment with ionizing radiations and cytotoxic agents as major arms in non-surgical management and treatment of cancer. With a view to update, by inclusion of newer topics, and to provide a uniform syllabus and course contents in Indian universities and teaching medical institutions, the proposed guidelines provide course outlines based on recent developments in clinical medicine and other disciplines related to oncology.


MD Sports Medicine

MD Sports Medicine

With the awareness of fitness among the youth in our country indulgence in various sporting activities is on the rise. Also participation of Indian sportsmen and athletes in various sporting events at a national and International level has increased in the last decade. Sports, whether competitive or recreational, has become fitness oriented and has led to an increase in the number of injuries due to sports.

MD Radiodiagnosis

MD Radiodiagnosis

The Goal of this program is to impart training in conventional and modern radiology and imaging techniques so that the post graduate student becomes well versed and competent to practice, teach and conduct research in the discipline of radiology. The student should also acquire basic knowledge in the various sub-specialities of radiology. These Guidelines also would also help to standardize Radiodiagnosis teaching at post graduate diploma (DMRD) level throughout the country so that it will benefit in achieving competent radiologist with appropriate expertise.