MD Family Medicine

MD Family Medicine

The Indian health care scenario is very complex and heterogeneous covering a range from world-class private tertiary care facilities to deplorably inadequate public services at all levels, including primary disease care. A system to provide affordable, accessible and effective health care and disease care to all the citizens of the nation is an urgent requirement of the country and should be based on a strong foundation of primary care and Family Medicine/ General Practice.

MD Tropical Medicine

MD Tropical Medicine

The Tropical Medicine programme is designed to provide the nation with specialist who are trained to address unique needs of patients in tropical environments that may not be emphasized in conventional/ traditional medicine training programs. MD (Tropical Medicine) will provide the ideal opportunity to tune the objectives of the post graduate level training in internal medicine to the health care needs of the nation.

MD Pulmonary Medicine

MD Pulmonary Medicine

Evolution of critical care medicine makes it imperative that the post graduates are trained in the basic principles of Pulmonary Medicine as applied to critical care. The person shall be abreast with the recent advances and developments in the specialty of Pulmonary Medicine. It is expected that the person will develop a spirit of enquiry and get oriented to apply recent advances and medical evidence to the practice of pulmonary medicine. He would also grasp the fundamentals of research methodology. Medical Science is dynamic with a continuous enhancement of knowledge.

MD Pharmacology

MD Pharmacology

Pharmacology consists of both the experimental (basic) and clinical sciences. Experimental pharmacology is essential to understanding of drug action in diseases as well as for the pharmaceutical industry for drug discovery and development. Clinical pharmacology is essential for prescribing practice in medicine, adverse drug reactions, clinical trial and pharmacovigilance. The job prospects for a medical pharmacologist are in academics, pharmaceutical industry/clinical research organization, government research institutions, in regulatory bodies and as scientific writer or science manager.

MD Palliative Medicine

MD Palliative Medicine

The Indian Association of Palliative care (IAPC) definition of Palliative Care (Medicine) states that “Palliative Care is the active total care applicable from the time of diagnosis, aimed at improving the quality of life of patients and their families facing serious life-limiting illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering from pain and other physical symptoms as well as psychological, social and spiritual distress through socially acceptable and affordable interventions”

MD Biochemistry

MD Biochemistry

The student who has obtained MD degree in Biochemistry should be well-versed in basic concepts and recent advances in the subject and should have acquired skills and expertise in various laboratory techniques applicable to metabolic and molecular aspects of medicine and in research methodology.

MD Nuclear Medicine

MD Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear medicine is a multi-disciplinary practice and the training of medical doctors is critical to the performance of a Nuclear Medicine department. Successful post graduate students are awarded a final certificate, degree or diploma that is recognized by the government, local health authority and hospital employer as an assurance of specialist competence in Nuclear Medicine. Post graduate training programme in Nuclear Medicine consists of an integrated training course of three years duration and would enable the post graduate student to practice nuclear medicine safely.

MD Community Medicine

MD Community Medicine

Community Medicine is an academic subject, a branch of Medicine which deals with promotion of health and prevention of diseases, involving people’s participation, utilizing professional management skills. The Community Medicine specialist, will inculcate a holistic view of health and medical interventions primarily focused on Community Health/Population Health.

MD Psychiatry



A postgraduate specialist having undergone the required training should be able to recognize the health needs of the communit, should be competent to handle medical problems effectively and should be aware of the recent advances pertaining to his specialty. The post graduate student should acquire the basic skills in teaching of medical/para-medical students. She/he is also expected to know the principles of research methodology and modes of consulting library.

MD Physiology

MD Physiology

The purpose of the training in Physiology is to produce experts with necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to impart education and to carry out research in Physiology, be able to serve the community as competent physiologists and render appropriate advice/service to the clinicians as and when it is required.

MD Pediatrics

MD Pediatrics

post graduate student after undergoing the required training should be able to deal effectively with the needs of the community and should be competent to handle the problems related to his specialty including recent advances. S/He should also acquire skills in teaching of medical/para-medical students

MD Pathology

MD Pathology

This programme is meant to standardize Pathology teaching at post graduate level throughout the country so that it will benefit in achieving uniformity in teaching and resultantly creating suitable manpower with appropriate expertise. The post graduate student should be trained in handling and processing histopathology, clinical pathology, microbiology, biochemistry and transfusion medicine samples with a knowledge of general principles and methodology.

MD Dermatology

MD Dermatology

A post graduate specialist having undergone the required training should be able to recognize the health needs of community, should be competent to handle effectively the medical problems and aware of recent advances pertaining to the discipline. The PG student should acquire basic skills in teaching medical/para-medical students. The student should be able to counsel patients and relatives in infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS, STDs, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy and any event of serious illness or death.

MD Aerospace medicine

MD Aerospace medicine

The goal of the training programme for MD in Aerospace Medicine is to produce a post-graduate student who after undergoing the required training should be able to deal effectively with the needs of the community and should be competent to handle all problems related to his/her specialty including recent advances. The student should also acquire skill in teaching of medical/para-medical students in the subject that the student has received his/her training. The student should be aware of his/her limitations.

MD Anatomy

MD Anatomy

These guidelines would help to achieve a uniform level of training of MD Anatomy to post graduate students throughout the country. The student, after undergoing the training, should be able to deal effectively with the needs of the medical community and should be competent to handle all problems related to the specialty of Anatomy and recent advances in the subject.