Government Medical College, Nagpur
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India with its teeming multitudes is a land of variation. At one end of the spectrum, it is poised to lead the world in software, boasts of the largest metropolitan urban centers and the richest individuals. On the other end of this spectrum is 70% of its rural population, with probably the lowest literacy and income levels in the world. It was this weakest link in the world’s largest democracy that Mahatma Gandhi wanted the benefits of development to reach. He understood that the nation could become strong only by strengthening its weakest link.
Mission & Vision
Medical Education is the mother of Health care services existing the state. The doctors are created from the new entrants in the college. The processed ‘good’ should be a high quality, sincere, dedicated and compassionate fellows. At the same time they should possess state of Art knowledge of Medicine and capable of withstanding the competition in the field. We don’t produce patient examination machines but good human beings who render necessary moral support to the patients and relatives in addition to the treatment needed.